Saturday, 7 November 2015


An examination is a test to show the knowledge and ability of a student. A student who takes an examination is a candidate. The person who decides how well the student has performed is the examiner. An examination may be a written test, an on-screen test or a practical test. Examples of a practical test may be: driving a car, speaking a language, playing a musical instrument and doing a scientific experiment. An on-screen test is a test which uses the computer.
If the candidate is successful he will have passed the examination. If he is unsuccessful he will have failed. In some cases it is possible for a student who has failed to take the exam again another time.A student who passes an examination may get a certificate or diploma. Some certificates are professional qualifications, allowing the person to do a particular job, e.g. plumber, teacher, doctor, lawyer.There is a Quote that:
 "Push yourself because,no one is going to do it for you"
A test or examination (informally, exam) is an assessment intended to measure a test-taker's knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics (e.g., beliefs).[1] A test may be administered verbally, on paper, on a computer, or in a confined area that requires a test taker to physically perform a set of skills. Tests vary in style, rigor and requirements. For example, in a closed book test, a test taker is often required to rely upon memory to respond to specific items whereas in an open book test, a test taker may use one or more supplementary tools such as a reference book or calculator when responding to an item. A test may be administered formally or informally. An example of an informal test would be a reading test administered by a parent to a child. An example of a formal test would be a final examination administered by a teacher in a classroom or an I.Q. test administered by a psychologist in a clinic. Formal testing often results in a grade or a test score.[2] A test score may be interpreted with regards to a norm orcriterion, or occasionally both. The norm may be established independently, or by statistical analysis of a large number of participants.A standardized test is any test that is administered and scored in a consistent manner to ensure legal defensibility.[3] Standardized tests are often used in education, professional certification, psychology (e.g.,MMPI), the military, and many other fields.

Importance of Exams

Exams are the way to test our knowledge. Without conducting the exams and test students don't concentrate in their studies and learn their lessons properly. Exams are necessary in schools and colleges to find out the real skills, talents and knowledge of the students.

All students are studying their lesson properly to get good marks in the test and exams, each and every student is interested in getting good marks in the exam and study hard to achieve it, without exam there is no chance to express about our knowledge, skills as well as our studying activity.

Some people may thought that exams are not necessary for school and college students, but this kind of attitude is wrong. Without exams students will be tension free, they don't concentrate in their studies and lessons. Some students don't go to the school or college, if the examination system is cancelled from school/college.

Students will get motivation towards their studies to achieve in their examination.
In this ways exams are very important for the studies, every person wish to get highest mark in the class and study hard to achieve their dream. This kind of attitude gives competition among the students and they study hard for achieving a good result in exam. Exam is the way to express our real knowledge and ability in the written form.

Exams teach us lot of things and give training to various things like punctuality, writing skills, timing sense, expressing our thoughts and opinions and so on. Without exam it is very hard to find out the real knowledge of an individual student as well as students will lost their motivation with their studies. With this examination method, students will get fear about their exams and study their lessons properly to increase their knowledge as well as getting highest marks in their class.

How to get rid of exam's fear

Examinations are almost always stressful. Students rarely know exactly what to expect on the test, and those who suffer from exam fear or exam anxiety can see their grades suffer as a result of this stress. A little anxiety can actually help your performance, but some students become so overwhelmed that they "seize up" and forget what they have studied. Exam anxiety can strike before, during and after a test. Battling this type of performance anxiety can be difficult, but good study habits and learning how to relax can help.

Step 1
Develop good study habits. Proper study habits and preparation are the keys to cutting out exam fear, according to Kids Health. Avoid last-minute "cramming" for exams and actively listen while in class. Know when the tests are coming up and prepare in advance; do not study all night or otherwise procrastinate.

Step 2
Keep your mind and body healthy by getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising. Healthier people who are well-rested often do better on exams, and sacrificing the basics even in the short term can have negative consequences on performance.

Step 3
Meet with your instructor to aid in focusing your study sessions. Knowing what the test will cover helps you zone in on the important material. Ask if a practice test is available so you have an idea of what to expect.

Step 4
Practice positive self-talk as you prepare for the test. Create a mantra to help you calm your test anxiety. Repeat a phrase, such as, "I just need to do my best," or "I will be prepared for this test." Push back against negative thoughts that creep into your mind. If you tell yourself you're going to fail, remind yourself that you participated actively in class and studied so you won't fail. Often, people who suffer from exam anxiety cannot shut out negative thoughts or emotions about the test, and this can contribute to feeling more anxiety than is normal.

Step 5
Relax the night before your test. A last-minute review can help you remember facts, but fretting over last-minute studying is likely to cause you more anxiety. If you prepared thoroughly, relax by distracting yourself with a television show or a good book.

Step 6
Beat the morning rush by waking up early. Give yourself time to eat a nutritious breakfast that won't weigh you down or feel greasy in your stomach. Check your bag to ensure you have everything you need for the test. Get to the room early so you can take your seat and organize yourself.

Step 7
Manage your anxiety with relaxation exercises as you wait for the test to start. Breathe deeply, visualizing negative energy leaving your body as you exhale. Close your eyes and imagine yourself calmly taking the test.

Step 8
Scan the test to find questions that are easy. Answer those test questions to give yourself a confidence boost. You can see progress and find that you do know the information. If you get stuck on a multiple choice question, cross off answers you know aren't correct. Compare the remaining answers to find the best fit.

Step 9
Understand that you are not alone and ask for help as necessary. Exam fear is normal. When that anxiety severely interferes with your ability to take the test, however, outside help might be needed. Ask your teachers and family for support and help. Special testing accommodations may be available that can reduce the stress.

Step 10
Reward yourself after the test is over. The reward gives you the break you deserve after all of your studying. Treating yourself also helps you stop thinking about the test and analyzing every little mistake you may have made.